Public Policy Committee
The Chamber Public Policy Committee monitors legislation and works closely with our local elected officials to ensure that the interests of the business community are well-represented in public policy decisions.
As the convener of community leaders and influencers, the Chamber provides a forum for significant, relevant community discussions and policies impacting business. With opportunities for members to meet with elected officials through public policy forums, legislative receptions, and legislative visits, we stay one step ahead of issues facing the community.
The Blair Chamber is a member of the PA State Chamber of Commerce and works closely with them to develop and advance local priorities to the State and Federal government. Click here for the PA Chamber legislative agenda.
Chamber Transportation
The Chamber Transportation Committee members monitor issues related to transportation infrastructure development, public transit, air service and multimodal users and connectivity.
Chamber Transportation
The Chamber Transportation Committee members monitor issues related to transportation infrastructure development, public transit, air service and multimodal users and connectivity.
Chamber Ambassadors
The Chamber Ambassadors are Chamber members dedicated to welcoming new members to the Chamber and assisting those members in becoming acclimated to all aspects of the organization.
Chamber Ambassadors
The Chamber Ambassadors are Chamber members dedicated to welcoming new members to the Chamber and assisting those members in becoming acclimated to all aspects of the organization.
Committee of Non-Profit Businesses
The Committee of Non-Profit Businesses works to address the challenges and opportunities of nonprofit organizations, as well as advocates on behalf of those nonprofits to educate the community.
Experiences & Lodging Roundtable
The Experiences and Lodging Roundtable is made of our Blair County’s destinations, recreational assets and lodging properties. Roundtable members work to ensure Blair County is a high value and competitive destination for visitors and residents alike.
Experiences & Lodging Roundtable
The Experiences and Lodging Roundtable is made of our Blair County’s destinations, recreational assets and lodging properties. Roundtable members work to ensure Blair County is a high value and competitive destination for visitors and residents alike.
Farm-City Committee
The Farm City Committee develops and oversees activities that focus on educating and informing residents of Blair County on the role agriculture plays in our regional economy and overall community health. The Committee also helps to develop the annual Farm City Dinner Event and secure related speakers and informational sessions.
Sustainable Blair County Committee
The Sustainable Blair County committee is comprised of businesses and individuals interested in initiatives and issues that impact our environment, energy resources and best practices that enable us to use but not abuse our natural surroundings.
Sustainable Blair County Committee
The Sustainable Blair County committee is comprised of businesses and individuals interested in initiatives and issues that impact our environment, energy resources and best practices that enable us to use but not abuse our natural surroundings.
WE-LEaD Committee (Women Encouraging Leadership Education and Development)
The WE-LEaD Committee is an educational program that hosts unique networking opportunities designed to further development of women in business.
Young Professionals of Blair County
Young Professionals of Blair County is an innovative program designed to provide educational programs, networking activities and special activities unique to individuals who are generally under 40.
Young Professionals of Blair County
Young Professionals of Blair County is an innovative program designed to provide educational programs, networking activities and special activities unique to individuals who are generally under 40.

Educational Programs Available for Adults and Youth
Leadership Blair County: A program that prepares members of the community to embrace servant leadership in monthly sessions from September through June.
Leadership Blair County Youth: A program specifically designed for the development of servant leadership in high school sophomores in Blair County during monthly sessions from September to May. Find the application HERE.
Young Entrepreneurs Academy: A national program that is administered locally by the Blair County Chamber, this 25-week program assists students in grades 6-12 to build their own businesses.
Networking and Business-Related Events
Alliance Annual Meeting: A breakfast event that allows the Alliance to share its accomplishments from the previous year and announce goals for the year ahead.
Breakfast Club: A monthly networking event where new Chamber members are welcomed and a guest speaker is featured.
Business Excellence Dinner: An evening event that honors an individual who during at least 25 years has been regarded as a business leader in our region. They are presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award at this semi-formal event.
Chamber Golf Classic: A day of networking for serious and not so serious golfers.
Down on the Farm: An annual event at an agriculture business featuring a farm fresh dinner, special guests from the industry and activities for families.
Farm-City Dinner: An annual event where we pay tribute to the vital role agriculture plays in Blair County’s Economy.
HD500 (Hump Day @ 5:00): An evening social event that offers members the opportunity to host an informal get-together where guests can make a “pit stop” on their way home. It is a great way to refuel to finish out the week!
Home Garden & Healthy Living Showcase: A three-day show that features exhibitors offering face-to-face interaction between buyer and seller. The showcase is a collaborative effort between the Blair County Chamber and the Blair Bedford Builders Association.